RFP 7593 Staten Island Family Court Consolidation Bridging Consultant Services

Solicitation #:7593
Issue Date:01/03/2023
Proposal Due:02/07/2023 - 3:00 PM
Classification:Professional Services
Type:Request for Proposal (RFP)
Subcontracting Provisioning Goals (%)
Minority Owned:18
Women Owned:12
Service Disabled Veteran Owned:6
Pre-Bid Meeting

A Pre-Proposal Meeting will be held virtually on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, at 11:30 AM. It is strongly encouraged that firms have at least (1) one representative in attendance Please RSVP to the Designated Representative at [email protected] no later than January 17, 2023.   The purpose of this meeting is to describe the project, goals and to answer any questions presented by the proposers. Representatives of DASNY, NYC Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice and NYS Office of Court Administration will be available to answer questions regarding this RFP if time allows.

Contract Terms
6 Years
Location Where Goods to be Delivered or Service Performed
Staten Island, New York

DASNY seeks proposals from consultants to provide programming, architectural and engineering services to prepare bridging documents in connection with the design/build procurement which will be utilized to implement the NYC Staten Island Family Court Consolidation program.  The bridging documents will only be for 100 Richmond Terrace but will need to provide an overview of the entire project. It is anticipated that the Family Court consolidation will involve the construction of an approximately 60,000 GSF addition to the existing 100 Richmond terrace facility and renovations to the current building and its infrastructure. It is also anticipated that the successful bridging consultant will continue to provide services for the project during the procurement of the design/build firm and the design and construction phases of the project that follow. In addition to the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, the NYC Family Court, the NYS Office of Court Administration, and the NYC Mayor’s Office of Management and Budget will be primary stakeholders and participants in the project development process.

The Staten Island Family Court building was constructed around 1920 and was designated as a New York City landmark in 2001. The original building is approximately 15,800 Square Feet (SF). The existing Family Court operations are primarily located at a historic landmark courthouse at 100 Richmond Terrace in a building that is deficient in its size, safety, and operations. The building has three floors, two above-grade with an occupied basement. Current Family Court operations are split between 100 Richmond Terrace, 18 Richmond Terrace, and additional hearing rooms and support space located at 25 Hyatt Street. The main building faces three streets: Richmond Terrace, Hamilton Street, and Stuyvesant Place.  There was a Pre-Scoping Study conducted in 2018 that estimated the construction budget for this phase of the project to be approximately $80 - $100 million. The Staten Island Family Court consolidation is one component of the consolidation program of the court facilities on Staten Island.  This overall consolidation program also includes Supreme Court and Surrogate Court facilities; these future phases of this effort are not included under the scope of this RFP. The consolidation of the courts will improve access to justice and services for the public, provide a more efficient court system, improve safety for all courthouse occupants, bring existing court facilities up to modern standards, and reinforce the dignity and role of the court in the community.

Interested firms must have experience and a proven track record in providing prime design, design/build, and/or bridging architectural and related design services for courthouse projects and comparable facilities that involve both interior renovations and new construction.  Experience with courthouse projects and comparable facilities in the NYC/Metropolitan Region is preferred.  Also, experience with projects that involve renovations and additions to historically significant buildings is preferred.

DASNY is committed to diversity and equal employment opportunities among its contractors, consultants, and vendors. It is the policy of DASNY to maximize opportunities for the participation of Minority-Owned, Women-Owned (M/WBE), and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses (SDVOB) firms as bidders, subcontractors, and suppliers on projects. As part of this RFP, and consistent with Article 15A and 17B of the Executive Laws, DASNY encourages all firms to consider submitting proposals that utilize partnerships, joint ventures, or other similar arrangements with a New York State certified MWBE/SDVOB firm on this contract. For technical assistance identifying certified MWBE firms contact Empire State Development at https://esd.ny.gov/ or visit DASNY’s MWBE Registry at http://www.dasny.org. For NYS Certified SDVOB firms, visit www.ogs.ny.gov/veterans

Pursuant to Executive Order No. 170.1 – Uniform Guidelines for Responsibility Determinations, Executive Order No. 125 – NYS Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire and Executive Order No. 192 – Continuing Vendor Integrity, DASNY may only award a contract to a responsible proposer. A responsible proposer must have the integrity to justify the award of public dollars and the capacity to perform the requirements of the contract fully. The proposer must file a vendor responsibility questionnaire with DASNY. The questionnaire provides the proposer an opportunity to self-disclose any issues and provide necessary information, which DASNY will use as part of its determination.

Firms interested in responding to this solicitation may access the RFP and related documents from DASNY’s website at https://www.dasny.org/opportunities/rfps-bids/professional-services/.

To locate the RFP, go to RFP 7593 / View the full details for this opportunity / Attachments. The deadline for responses to the RFP is 3:00 pm on January 31, 2023. Responses received after this date will not be accepted.

In accordance with State Finance Law § 139-j and § 139-k, this solicitation includes and imposes certain restrictions on communications between Dormitory Authority personnel and an Offeror during the procurement process. The Designated Representative for this procurement is Maria McNeil, Email: ([email protected]). Contacts made to other Dormitory Authority personnel regarding this procurement may disqualify the Offeror and affect future procurements with governmental entities in the State of New York. Please refer to the Authority’s website (www.dasny.org) for Authority policy and procedures regarding this law, or the OGS website (https://ogs.ny.gov/acpl) for more information about this law. All proposers, domestic and foreign, must be in compliance with New York State business registration requirements. Contact the NYS Department of State regarding compliance.

Primary Contact

Kelly Whitbeck

Contract Administrator


Professional Services

515 Broadway

Albany, NY 12207

United States

Email: [email protected]

Submit To Contact

Kelly Whitbeck

Contract Administrator


Professional Services

515 Broadway

Albany, NY 12207

United States

Email: [email protected]

Company Name Contact Name Phone Email Website Fax Designation Goods/Services
ALP Architect sharan Muthalayil 2129472682 [email protected] https://alparchitecture.com/ Residential, Commercial, Retail,
Best NY Construction INC Shahzad Ahmad 7183086144 [email protected]
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
CGL Companies/Facility Maintenance Joseph McKenna 2152508726 [email protected] www.cglcompanies.com
CRS-Corporate Relocation Systems Inc. Dimitri Mortsakis 17182155924 [email protected] www.crsmove.com
Dewberry Engineering Anthony J Alduino, PE 9174840034 [email protected] MEP/FP Consultant
EJC Engineering, PLLC Eric Chang 7183538010 [email protected] www.ejceng.com
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
FAC PROPETYS LLC FERRIS A CHRISTIAN 13478250732 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
Property Management and Construction
Facility Strategies Group, PLLC Cara Lima 7043977100 [email protected] FSG has acted as the design consultant and systems integrator for the development and implementation
of a new open protocol building management system (BMS) for the New York City Housing Authority
(NYCHA). The controls system provides central monitoring and control of campus heating equipment,
apartment zone temperatures, lighting, ventilation, and other mechanical equipment for multifamily
developments throughout NYC. More than 54 NYCHA developments encompassing over 550 buildings
have already been converted to the new open BACnet platform with additional properties to be
converted over the next 10 years. FSG established open protocol requirements for hardware and IT
communication architectures and procurement, prepared controls specifications, and ensured multiple
levels of competition for construction and during operations and maintenance.
Freedom Electrical & Data Inc. Ted Tzoulis 718-967-7200 [email protected] https://www.freedomelectricaldataofny.com/ Office Fit Outs, Electrical Interior Renovations
fresh hype autos OLALEKAN AKINBOLAJI 9293428858 [email protected]
FYAHWorksinc Adriel pratt 3474404458 [email protected] FYAHWorksinc.com
  • Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB)
  • NYS Certified Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (NYS Cert. SDVOB)
GC Eng & Associates, PC Harry Spring, PE LEED AP 2126955313 [email protected] www.gceng.com 2126955170
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
Mechanical, Electrical, Sanitary, Fire Protection/Sprinkler
Group PMX Jenny Freeman 6462611399 [email protected] www.grouppmx.com
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
provided PM ( project engineering)
Guardians of Justice Darrell Williams 8435312439 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
JFK&M Consulting Group Haley Wiley 2127928720 [email protected]
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
  • NYS Certified Women Owned Business (NYS-Cert. WBE)
Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing/Fire Protection Services
LolitasLep LolitasLep 85865736392 [email protected] 81665883244
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
  • Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
  • NYS Certified Women Owned Business (NYS-Cert. WBE)
  • NYS Certified Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (NYS Cert. SDVOB)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Meridian Design Associates Cecilia Wolynski 212-431-8643 [email protected] https://meridiandesign.com/
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
MJE Professional Sevices Samia Abraham 5514449381
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
Monaghan Mechanical and Technical Resources Corp SDVOB Patrick Monaghan 6312600276 [email protected] www.monaghan-mechanical.com
  • Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB)
  • NYS Certified Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (NYS Cert. SDVOB)
Material supplier
Mott MacDonald Richard R Umbrino 9739122547 [email protected] www.mottmac.com
Natron Consuting Engineers Jeffrey Ansley 9254124662 [email protected]
New York Engineers PC Pam Boyette 7185775344 [email protected]
Platinum Services NY LLC richard elkon 2122532900 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
Resilient Support Services Frank DeGraw 5181818 [email protected] https://www.resilientsupportservices.com/
  • Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB)
Sabir, Richardson & Weisberg Engineering & Architecture PLLC Yvette Richardson 6468636160 [email protected] www-srw-eng.com 8563105501
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
  • NYS Certified Women Owned Business (NYS-Cert. WBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Architecture, Engineering, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Sprinkler, Structural. Construction Documents, Assessments, Feasibility Studies
Segel & Co., Inc. William Segel 9145230766 [email protected] www.segelandco.com (914) 236-5455
  • Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB)
  • NYS Certified Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (NYS Cert. SDVOB)
Demolition, Sitework, Excavation, Concrete, and Utilities
Skylands Testing, LLC Virginia Schwarzrock 973-729-4824 [email protected] www.skylandstesting.com 973-729-5824
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
  • NYS Certified Women Owned Business (NYS-Cert. WBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Geotechnical laboratory testing including soil and rock testing for index properties, strength, compression, permeability, and corrosivity.
Spector Group Linda Bauer 5163654240 [email protected] www.spectorgroup.com 5163653604 Architecture, Interior Design, Master Planning, Feasibility Studies, Programming,Project Management
Toscano Clements Taylor LLC Jeannine Nelson 631-760-1880 [email protected] www.tctcost.com
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
  • NYS Certified Women Owned Business (NYS-Cert. WBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Cost Estimates supporting A/E firms-clients
Velocity Architecture & Engineering Group, D.P.C. Margaret Rohan 212 433 2829 x138 [email protected] www.BravoInc.com
Watts Architects & Engineers Jessica Henschel 7162065100 [email protected] www.watts-ae.com 7162065199
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
Architecture, Site/Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Transportation & Bridge Engineering, Regulated Building Materials & Environmental Consulting Services
Ysrael A. Seinuk PC Samantha Donnelly 2126872233 [email protected] yaseinuk.com
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
Structural Engineering; Condition Inspections; Special Inspections; Interior Fit-out, renovation, new & rehabbed buildings,

Firms submitting Expressions of Interests (EOI). Top firms deemed qualified by review of their respective EOI’s are Shortlisted and issued a Request for Proposal (RFP).

75931/16/2023AECOM USA Inc.605 Third Avenue New YorkNY10158AECOM USA Inc.(212) 973-2900 
75931/16/2023CGL Companies Architects, PLLC1331 Avenue of the Americas, 28th Floor New YorkNY10019CGL Companies Architects, PLLC(212) 563-9154 
75931/16/2023IBI Group Architects, Engineers, andLandscape Architects, a New YorkGeneral PartnershipBinghamtonNY13901IBI Group Architects, Engineers, and(607) 772-0007 
75931/16/2023LiRo Architects & Planners PC3 Aerial Way SyossetNY11791LiRo Architects & Planners PC(516) 938-5476 
75931/16/2023Mitchell Giurgola Architects LLP630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 711 New YorkNY10036Mitchell Giurgola Architects LLP(212) 6634000 
75931/16/2023Rafael Vinoly Architects PC50 Vandam Street New YorkNY10013Rafael Vinoly Architects PC(212) 5058860 
75931/16/2023Spectorgroup 11, LLP220 Crossways Park Drive West WoodburyNY11797Spectorgroup 11, LLP(516) 3654240 

Firms responding to Request for Proposal (RFP).

75931/30/2023AECOM USA Inc.605 Third Avenue New YorkNY10158AECOM USA Inc.(212) 973-2900 
75931/30/2023CGL Companies Architects, PLLC1331 Avenue of the Americas, 28th Floor New YorkNY10019CGL Companies Architects, PLLC(212) 563-9154 
75931/30/2023IBI Group Architects, Engineers, andLandscape Architects, a New YorkGeneral PartnershipBinghamtonNY13901IBI Group Architects, Engineers, and(607) 772-0007 
75931/30/2023LiRo Architects & Planners PC3 Aerial Way SyossetNY11791LiRo Architects & Planners PC(516) 938-5476 
75931/30/2023Mitchell Giurgola Architects LLP630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 711 New YorkNY10036Mitchell Giurgola Architects LLP(212) 6634000 
75931/30/2023Rafael Vinoly Architects PC50 Vandam Street New YorkNY10013Rafael Vinoly Architects PC(212) 5058860 
75931/30/2023Spectorgroup 11, LLP220 Crossways Park Drive West WoodburyNY11797Spectorgroup 11, LLP(516) 3654240 

The Contractor listed below has been awarded the Contract for the above listed Project as of the date provided.

75934/3/2023Mitchell Giurgola Architects LLP630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 711 New YorkNY10036Mitchell Giurgola Architects LLP(212) 6634000