John Jay College Haaren Hall Library Renovation - AE Services

Solicitation #:7603
Issue Date:01/27/2025
Proposal Due:02/19/2025 - 3:00 PM
Classification:Professional Services
Status:In Progress
Subcontracting Provisioning Goals (%)
Minority Owned:18
Women Owned:12
Service Disabled Veteran Owned:6
Equal Employment Opportunity:45
Contract Terms
Anticipated 3 years
Location Where Goods to be Delivered or Service Performed
Lloyd George Sealy Library in Haaren Hall at John Jay College New York, NY

The Dormitory Authority State of New York (DASNY) is seeking Request for Qualifications (RFQ) seeking a responsive Statement of Qualifications (“SOQ”) from qualified Architecture and Engineering firms capable of providing Architectural and Engineering Services for the Haaren Hall Library Renovation located at CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The Lloyd George Sealy Library (the “Project”).

DASNY is requesting proposals for Architectural and Engineering Services to develop a design, produce construction documents, and provide administrative services during bidding and construction for the renovation of the Lloyd George Sealy Library in Haaren Hall. A feasibility study (attached) was undertaken in 2017 which updated the existing library to provide collaborative learning spaces with access to technology and a variety of study spaces. Because the existing Library entrance is located behind the 10th Avenue Lobby escalators at the cellar level, the study relocated the library entrance to the New Building to provide a highly visible and accessible entrance. This study is to be the starting point for the Pre-design program confirmation phase. Revisions and updates to this study are anticipated.

Design will include construction documents for interior demolition, environmental hazard removals, new structure where required, swing space with construction phasing, new partitions, ceilings, lighting, finishes, fixtures, electric, plumbing, HVAC, FA/FP, furniture, equipment, casework, plus information technology, audio visual and security systems.

DASNY contributes to the economic development of New York State by assisting and supporting Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses (SDVOB) through its procurement process. As part of this EOI, and consistent with New York State Executive Law 15-A and Article 3 of the New York State Veteran Services Law, DASNY encourages all firms to consider submitting proposals that utilize partnerships, joint ventures or other similar arrangements with a New York State certified MWBE/SDVOB firm on this contract. For technical assistance identifying certified MWBE firms contact Empire State Development at or visit DASNY’s MWBE Registry at For NYS Certified SDVOB firms contact

Pursuant to Executive Order No. 170.1 – Uniform Guidelines for Responsibility Determinations, Executive Order No. 125 – NYS Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire and Executive Order No. 192 – Continuing Vendor Integrity, DASNY may only award a contract to a responsible proposer. A responsible proposer must have the integrity to justify the award of public dollars and the capacity to perform the requirements of the contract fully. The proposer must file a vendor responsibility questionnaire with DASNY. The questionnaire provides the proposer an opportunity to self-disclose any issues and provide necessary information, which DASNY will use as part of its determination.

In accordance with State Finance Law § 139-j and § 139-k, this solicitation includes and imposes certain restrictions on communications  between Dormitory Authority personnel and an Offerer during the procurement process. The designated staff for this procurement is Maria McNeil, Email: [email protected]). Contacts made to other Dormitory Authority personnel regarding this procurement may disqualify the Offerer and affect future procurements with governmental entities in the State of New York.  Please refer to the Authority’s website ( for Authority policy and procedures regarding this law, or the OGS website ( html) for more information about this law. All proposers, domestic and foreign, must be in compliance with New York State business registration requirements. Contact the NYS Department of State regarding compliance. In addition, business entities proposing to provide professional engineering services must obtain a Certificate of Authorization to Provide Engineering Services in New York State from the State Education Department.  Proposals must be submitted in the full legal name of the proposer, or the full legal name plus a registered assumed name of the proposer, if any.

For more details regarding this solicitation please refer to DASNY’s website at / Opportunities / RFPs & BIDs / Professional Services / John Jay College Haaren Hall Library Renovation - AE Services.

Primary Contact

Maria McNeil

Assistant Procurement Administrator


515 Broadway

Albany, NY 12207

United States

Phone: 518-257-3205

Email: [email protected]

Company Name Contact Name Phone Email Website Fax Designation Goods/Services
A.G. Consulting Engineering, P.C. 212-268-0950 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
MEP/FP Engineering
AccuCost Construction Consultants, Inc. - WBE Kathleen Farren 2126872121 [email protected] 2126872323
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
  • NYS Certified Women Owned Business (NYS-Cert. WBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Cost Estimating
ads ENGINEERS, DPC Steve Gnapragasam 2124046039 [email protected]
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Architectural Resources Arlita McNamee 7168835566 [email protected] 7168835569
Arup US, Inc. Sara Garber 6173499226 [email protected]
AUROS Group Beth A. Eckenrode 4128600416 [email protected]
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
Building Performance Expertise -- full credentials in all Passive House certifications, physics-based modeling and simulation to determine optimum energy efficiency potential, block modeling and hygrothermals, and operationalized models of existing performance. AUROS Group is the perfect building performance expert for design/construction teams in that we open-source all models for true integrated design & construction. Our models remain with buildings for their life in that they become the property of building owners/developers.
Examples --
1. GSA -- 1.5mm SF renovation to Passive House Institutes (PHI) EnerPHit standard
2. Affordable Multifamily buildings of varying sizes -- PHI and PHIUS certified, certified Certifier/Verifier roles, Technical Advisory roles post blower door failures to secure funding. 10,000 SF -- 600k SF
3. Commercial office buildings & multi-use -- zero energy/carbon using efficiency first strategies. 30,000 SF - 1mm SF
4. Columbus Midfield Airport Terminal -- compliance modeling & performance improvement modeling integrated with design and construction teams.
Axias Inc , Construction Cost Consultants Thomas Joseph 9148371062 [email protected] Cost Estimating Services
AZH Consulting Corp Uma Reddi 5162521428 [email protected] 8668081428
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
  • NYS Certified Women Owned Business (NYS-Cert. WBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Cost Estimating, CPM Scheduling, Project Management, Drafting, Rebar detailing, Steel detailing, Safety, IT Consulting, Software development, Supply construction software and Staffing Services
B4 Architecture LLC Radmila Lazarevic 9177146329 [email protected]
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
  • NYS Certified Women Owned Business (NYS-Cert. WBE)
Blurred Architecture PLLC Werner Morath 6462382625 [email protected] Mass timber new construction and Interiors
Buildify Estimating Bruno Caldwell 8653504030 [email protected]
Chiuten Trowbridge Landscape Architects DPC Margot D. Chiuten 6072168483 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
  • NYS Certified Women Owned Business (NYS-Cert. WBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Cosentini Associates 2126153600 [email protected]
Dharam Lally & Smith LLC d/b/a Dharam Consulting Darlene Quigley 631-312-4837 [email protected] None
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Cost Consulting
DIGroupArchitecture, LLC Debra Koehler 7322496242 [email protected] 7322471825
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Signage, Wayfinding
Doctor power cooling and heating Dalchand Harripersad 9175778626 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
Everything HVAC involved.
Edge + Co. Architecture, LLC Gregory Galiczewski 7182153815 [email protected]
Elemental Architecture LLC Tom Abraham 2126164110 [email protected] 2126164109 Architectural Services, Historic Preservation, Accessibility upgrades, Elevator Modernization, Interior Planning & Renovations, HVAC modernization
First Alert Security Services, Inc. ABDULLATEEF SANNI 7189220214 / 7185066066 / 18772192442 [email protected] 7189220216
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Frederick Fisher and Partners Matthew Kelley 3105629749 [email protected]
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Garrison Architects Bibi Leslie 7185968300 [email protected] Architectural Design, LEED
GEA Consulting Engineers David Goyco 2126438006 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
Glickman Schlesinger Architects Lauren Schlesinger 718-775-3270 [email protected]
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
  • NYS Certified Women Owned Business (NYS-Cert. WBE)
Architectural and Interior Design.
Goshow Architects Adrienne Riso 2122423735 [email protected] N/A
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
  • NYS Certified Women Owned Business (NYS-Cert. WBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
HK Meier Hannah Mayer 5188082559 [email protected]
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Construction Management/ Inspection
IDEA AEC Vinoo Jankie 9548819627 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
ikon.5 architects Kristen Leone 2129562530 [email protected] higher education; public projects
Infinite Consulting Corp Andrew Silverman 5163311797 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Interface Engineering Patricia Jordan 212.417.0606
Interior Metals Matt Tommasi 718-4397324 [email protected]
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
Custom Metal Fabrications, shop drawings and Installations
Ismael Leyva Architects Leonard Vidrak 2122901444 [email protected] 2122901425
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
Architectural Design
JFK&M Consulting Group Terry Mitchell 2127928700 [email protected] 212-2553052
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
Johnson Controls Inc. Christopher Robinson 6466896512
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Lakhani & Jordan Engineers, PC (MBE) Paul Montero 2123389020 [email protected] 2123389030
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing & Fire Protection Engineering Consultant Services
LERA Consulting Structural Engineers Carrie Villani 2127509000 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
  • NYS Certified Women Owned Business (NYS-Cert. WBE)
Structural engineering
Marcus International LLC Kunle Ifesanya 8622416016 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Building Maintenance Services including Janitorial / Custodial Services.
Mitchell Giurgola Architects LLP Samantha Tong 2126634000 [email protected]
Moody Nolan Tami Hayes 6142809724 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
Architecture, Interior Design, Experiential Design
NY General Contracting Service inc Aneeb Khizar 6468524837 [email protected] residential Renovation, home builds, office space renovation, theatre renovation
PEI ARCHITECTS LLP Rossana M Gutierrez de Lubetsky 917 647 9791 [email protected] 212 674 5900
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Full Architectural Services (Concept through CA)
Popli Design Group Bethany Mucci 5853882060 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Primestone Consulting Corporation Shantel Evans 2122450035 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
  • Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
  • NYS Certified Women Owned Business (NYS-Cert. WBE)
  • NYS Certified Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (NYS Cert. SDVOB)
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
The Primestone Group is a construction consulting firm that provides a range of specialized services aimed at supporting construction projects from inception to completion. The company primarily focuses on:

1. Cost Estimation: Providing detailed and accurate cost projections for construction projects, ensuring that clients stay within budget while maintaining quality standards.

2. Project Management: Offering comprehensive management services that oversee the execution of projects, ensuring timelines, budgets, and quality standards are met.

3. Construction Claims and Dispute Resolution: TPG assists clients in resolving disputes, including providing expert witness services, contract management, and claims analysis.

4. Expert Witness Services: TPG provides professional testimony in legal disputes involving construction-related matters, drawing on extensive expertise in the field.

5. Advisory Services: TPG provides advisory support to construction firms, ensuring that they are following best practices, from budgeting to compliance and risk management.

TPG serves a variety of industries, including government agencies, private-sector firms, architecture and engineering companies, and large construction projects globally. The firm holds several certifications, including MBE, SD-VSOB, and others, to support diversity and inclusion in the construction sector.
R&P CONSULTING ENGINEERS LLC Anneta Patrick 9176840136 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
MEP+FP Building Engineering for
S and K Contracting Inc khadim h mughal 5168068413 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Hauling goods
SBLM Architects PC Jelena Markin 2129955600 [email protected] 2126754228
SharpLens Photography LLC . DBA The Asbery Group JOSEPH ASBERY 3475156747 3474596812 [email protected] 1-347-708-8530
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
  • NYS Certified Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (NYS Cert. SDVOB)
Construction Photography / Video
Industrial Photography / Video
Video Content Creation (Construction)
Drone Photography / Video (Construction)

ShaprLens is a New York City-based Certified State Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned and NYS MBE Business specializing in Commercial event and headshot imagery as well as all phases of construction photographic documentation and all types of event photography.

Using the advanced technology in digital still and video cameras, SharpLens captures epic images of your construction team in action, as well as and anything else that sheds good light on your company brand in all events photography.

SharpLens Photography works closely with our clients, large or small, to produce top-notch images with a detailed analysis that documents your project. We endow our clients with complete content creation. If you are looking for a professional photographer to document construction projects, just contact us and give a chance to serve you with the best.
Sherpa Construction Consulting Dawa Sherpa 3474635418 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • NYS Certified Minority Owned Business (NYS-Cert. MBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Cost Estimating
SOM John Fawcett 2122989300 [email protected] Architecture for higher education and government clients
Spacesmith Debbi Waters 6468672436 [email protected]
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
Sparc Fire Protection Engineering, LLC jofran santullo 2123925868 [email protected]
Spark Engineering, PC Pratik Jain 9173301193 [email protected]
  • Minority Owned Business (MBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
• Mechanical Engineering
o Design of HVAC distribution system for cooling and heating the space for Low-rise/High-rise buildings. This distribution can be achieved either via water- or air-cooled systems. These systems are not limited to having components such as cooling tower, chillers, VRFs, Heat Pumps, Packaged Rooftop Units, Air Handlers, VAVs, CAVs, Fan Power Units, Fan Coil Units, P-tech Units, and associated final distribution devices.
o Design of Outside Air systems for Ventilation such as Outside Air Fans, Energy Recovery Systems, and various other Inline/ Outdoor/Utility Fans and various Make-up Air Systems.
o Design of Exhaust Systems for General, Kitchen, Pantry, Toilet, and other dedicated equipment based on local codes and manufacturer requirements.
o Design of Heating systems via Energy Recovery Systems, Various types of Electric Heating systems in addition to package units that provide both heating and cooling.
o Design of Pumps based on various requirements and needs.
o Design of Building Management System (BMS).
• Electrical Engineering
o Design of electrical power distribution for Low-rise/High-rise buildings. Power distribution includes but not limited to Utility Meters, CT Cabinets, Transformers, Switchboards, Distribution boards, Panelboards, Motor Control Centers (MCCs), Disconnects and associated final connections.
o Design of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems including Distribution boards, Automatic Transfer Switches (ATS), Panelboards and associated final connections.
o Design of Generator, Paralleling switchgear and associated power distribution. This includes Life Safety, Emergency, Critical and Portable connected Generators.
o Short Circuit Study, Over-Current Protection Coordination and Arc-flash Study.
o Design of Lighting controls systems based on energy conservation requirements based on local codes.
o Design of Lightning Protection and Grounding Systems.
o Design of Emergency Power Management System (EPMS).
• Plumbing Engineering
o Design of Domestic cold-water distribution systems for Low-rise/High-rise buildings.
o Design of hot-water distribution systems for Low-rise/High-rise buildings including but not limited to various type of Domestic hot water systems for Low-rise/High-rise buildings.
o Design of sanitary systems for Low-rise/High-rise buildings.
o Design of Storm system for low-high-rise buildings.
o Design of Natural Gas System for Low/High-riser buildings.
o Design of Medical gas system for hospitals.
o Design of specialty plumbing systems for institutional-type facilities.
o Design of various other plumbing systems, such as ADA toilets, Kitchens/Pantry, other specialize spaces that require permanent or temporary plumbing connections.
o Design and filing of Backflow preventer for Domestic cold water and Fire Protection systems with NYC DEP.
o Design of detention tank and filing of Site connection with NYC DEP.
o Design grease interceptors for the kitchen and restaurants.
o Design Lint interceptors for laundry.
• Fire Alarm Engineering
o Design of Manual/Automatic Fire Alarm system for Low-rise/High-rise buildings.
o Design of other specific fire alarm systems based on type of use of the space and local code requirements.
• Fire Protection Engineering
o Design of wet/dry sprinkler systems for Low-rise/High-rise buildings.
o Design of standpipe systems.
o Design of clean agent sprinkler systems.
o Design of Nitrogen type dry sprinkler system for garages.
o Design of fire pumps and associated systems.
o Design of VESDA systems.
o Design of Zoned standpipe system.
o Design of institutional standpipe and sprinkler system.
o Design of commercial standpipe and sprinkler system.
o Design of residential standpipe and sprinkler system.
• Design for New/Upgrades of Utility for Electrical, Water, Sanitation and Fire Protection.
• Construction Administration including On-site or Off-site review of submittals, RFIs, Progress inspection and Final Punchlist inspections.
• Perform existing site assessments to verify compliance of local codes and utilities for development requirements.
The Clarient Group Michael McCann 6466957182 [email protected] 2125868287 Technology System Design, Audiovisual System Design, Security System Design, Wireless Building Systems Design
The Designers Group Blima Ehrentreu 6465437515 [email protected]
  • Women Owned Business (WBE)
  • NYS Certified Women Owned Business (NYS-Cert. WBE)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Interior Design, Architecture, Branding, Drafting, Graphic Design, Signage
USA Veteran builders inc Brian Q Foley 3473163783 [email protected]
  • Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB)
  • NYS Certified Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (NYS Cert. SDVOB)
Supplier of construction building materials, equipment and hardware and solvents.Includes made in America contractor bags to heavy equipment supplied to work site